Extend Sage 300 ERP with Orchid’s Info-Explore 2014
Info-Explorer now has released its 2013 version now with a Write-Back feature! It also has been updated with a bright new look utilizing the Windows® ribbons features of Microsoft Office®.
Did you know?: Info-Explorer operates with multiple SQL databases, and other ERP solutions
Now with Write-Back
Info-Explorer allows you to both budget and forecast in the same application - with write back to the database. Other new features enhance its ease of use.
- For budgets, forecasts and what-if analysis
- Create data entry Worksets
- Multiple spreading methods to enter or derive data
- Security around Workset creation & ERP updating
- Write back into backend ERP for GL Budget & IM Infoset & IC Stock Projected Sales updating
Other New Features
- For easy identification, show Fact labels as blue, vs. Dimension labels as grey
- New ribbon replacing Menus and Toolbars, split into multiple tabs
- Define scale factors per fact (as opposed to entire view).
- You can now reorder items (cubes, views, charts and dashboards) in the tree by selecting, holding down the mouse button and dragging to the new required position.
- Added Option to disable automatic refresh when dragging dimensions from/to title position, row position and column position. When disabled a new Option to “Calculate” will be displayed in the View ribbon, and data is only recalculated when “Calculate” is clicked
- Styles are now applied based on unscaled values. Previously they were based on scaled values so if you had a style for > 100 and changed the scale to 1x100, then 1 (being 100 scaled) would not have had the style applied to it.
- The sort order is now re-applied when you reload/refresh a cube.
- If you are displaying multiple cubes, the date/time the “active” cube was last refreshed is shown.
- Requires .NET 4.5 (or above) and Windows 7 (or above).