Use Sage Intacct as a single source of financial truth that’s available in real-time instantaneously no matter where you’re located. Produce various reports as required by slicing and dicing dimension data that non-profits need like statement of activities, FAS 117/958, cash restrictions, etc. even while operating multiple non-profit locations across the U.S. and Canada.
Using nonprofit accounting software can improve and enrich communication to stakeholders and donors using real-time accurate reporting and dashboard metrics that you trust. Track funding trends and statistics via dimensionality to ensure revenue streams and cost areas match the non-profit mission statement, like volunteer hours, awards issued, temporary housing purchase, and rentals.
Do away with countless manual Excel spreadsheets and instead streamline and automate time-consuming billing processes that raise your finance productivity. With Sage Intacct’s significantly improved dimensionality over GL account structure with COAs, you can get 2,000+ accounts down to 200. You also can track within a single transaction using a single GL account. For example, a donor, restrictions of funds (if any), which grant it is applied to.
Increasing demands on accountability, visibility, and transparency for nonprofits can result in missed funding and income opportunities. Sage Intacct helps you achieve a granular level of accuracy that increases your non-profit’s financial stability and profitability and improves the management of your deferred revenue while reducing revenue leakage.
Equation Technologies
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Equation Technologies ©2016