How to Setup Email Delivery in Sage 300

As Sage continues to expand the solution’s functionality following this year’s earlier release, with the release of Sage 300 2022.2, you can now email documents using Microsoft 365. Let’s walk you through how to do the Sage 300 email setup so you and your team can take advantage of the added efficiency.

Sage 300 Email Setup for Desktop Screens

  1. Once you’re on the Sage 300 classic desktop, open Common Services > Company Profile.
  2. On the Email tab, determine how you wish to send email your documents.

If you want to use Microsoft Outlook, remove the ‘Use Email Service’ option. If you’re not wanting to use Microsoft Outlook, select this option and then choose one of the options in the Email Service field.

  1. If applicable, enter the proper designated settings for your email service (i.e., server name, server port, password, etc.).
  1. To send the email to your customers or vendors (either via blind copy and/or bcc), enter the email address in the Send Copies To field (Quick tip! If you’re entering in multiple emails, separate each address with a semicolon. For example;
  1. In the Send Test Email field, enter in an email address and send a test email message to ensure successful delivery (Quick tip! If the test message doesn’t appear in the inbox, check your spam folder and/or double-check the settings you’ve entered and make any adjustments if necessary).
  2. When you’re ready, click the OK button to save the settings. Your email is now ready to be delivered to its recipients.

Sage 300 Email Setup for Web Screens

  1. Now, once you’re on the Sage 300 screen, open Common Services > Company Setup > Company Profile. 
  1. On the Email tab, select your email service and then enter the appropriate settings for it (refer to these additional technical instructions if using Microsoft Graph).
  1. Enter any other applicable settings if necessary (a ‘From’ email address, send copies to like a blind copy, etc.).
  1. In the Send Test Email field, enter in an email address and send a test email message to ensure successful delivery.
  2. When you’re ready, click the OK button to save the settings.

Email Setup Notes:

Additionally, you can set up your Sage 300 system to send emails using one of the following methods:

  • SMTP - using your own SMTP server, or SMTP service.
  • Microsoft Graph – sending emails via Microsoft 365.
  • Microsoft Outlook - If you already have Microsoft Outlook installed on your desktop, you can send emails from your desktop screens. However, you can’t send emails using Microsoft Outlook from web screens.

If you have any questions about your Sage 300 email setup, or really any of your business management technology, our Sage experts are happy to help.

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