Whether your preference is for Apple devices (iPod, iPad, and iPhone), Windows Mobile, or Android devices, it's now possible to use these new hardware options in your warehouse, thanks to some exciting advances in mobile app development.

Advantages to Mobile Scanning
- Intuitive Navigation - Touch-screen, icon based interfaces make it easy to use in any language
- Ability to Run Multiple Apps - Communicate directly with your ERP, or other systems
Are iPod and iPhones rugged enough?
A world of possibilities in the warehouse opens for businesses, with the ability to use Apple devices. While these units may not appear to be rugged enough for typical warehouse environments, adding a rugged case and a barcode scanner make this an easy-to-use, affordable solution for many businesses.
One such example is the iPC Linea Pro 6 - a rugged iPhone/iPod case that features an integrated 1D/2D scanner. This fully ruggedized version of an iPhone/iPod platform is designed to stand up to the rigors of demanding environments like warehousing and field services. Its compatible with the iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 5. For more information, visit www.ipcprint.com
Android Devices - coming soon!
Contact us if you have questions about Sage 300c and how to deploy mobile sanning devices in your Sage 300 ERP environment.
Read more about how barcoding can help with streamlining orders and shipments...