Locking Fiscal Periods in Sage 300

Starting with Sage 300 ERP Version 6.0, you have the ability to lock or unlock fiscal periods individually for each module (in versions prior to 6.0, you can only lock or unlock all modules at once).

This added capability in Version 6.0 and higher makes it easier to lock down modules in the proper sequence and prevent unexpected errors.

Preparing to Lock Fiscal Periods

It's important to understand how transactions flow through Sage 300 ERP before you begin locking fiscal periods for individual modules.

This Preparing to Lock Fiscal Periods video provides important information that you should review prior to locking fiscal periods.

Locking Fiscal Periods in Sage 300 ERP

After you review the set up and workflow information, you’re ready to use the fiscal calendar to begin locking and unlocking fiscal periods. Here are some general best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Lock operations modules (OE, Inventory, etc.) before financial modules (GL, AP, AR, etc.).
  2. When locking Bank Services, also lock modules that integrate directly with it including AR, AP, & Payroll.
  3. Create and post all outstanding GL batches for a fiscal period before you lock it for GL.


Watch the Locking Fiscal Periods video on YouTube for step-by-step instructions.


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