What's New in Sage CRM 2021 R2

Sage CRM 2021 R2 is now available. Let’s take a look at some of the new features and enhanced capabilities added in this latest software release.

More Customizable Pipeline Reports

Reporting pipelines have been updated to a modern, fresh design with fully customizable colors & styles. The new rectangular style appears in pipelines that display on the Opportunity List and Case List screens, located within the ‘My CRM’, ‘Company’ and ‘Person’ contexts. 

The segments of the pipeline show the count of records at each workflow stage and the colors used in the display are customizable.

Sage CRM 2021 R2

New Quotes Dashboard Template

A new 'Quotes Dashboard' template has been added to Sage CRM 2021 R2. The new dashboard template displays a mix of gadget types, calling information from the Quotes table. Data is drawn from a new List report with quote details   displayed in the Quotes Detail gadget.

The new Quotes dashboard template can be assigned by user profile. For guidance, refer to the instructions online for Creating a Dashboard from a Template.

Sage CRM 2021 R2

User Interface Improvements

For the 2021 R2 release, Sage performed a detailed review of default screens and lists aimed at simplifying and "de-cluttering" the user interface. On some screens, certain fields have been removed from display while in other areas, additional columns have been included.  

The goal is to make better use of screen space and display key information in a way that’s more logical and organized. Over the next several releases, Sage plans to continue to enhance the user interface.

Other Notable Enhancements

Other notable new features include:

  • New “spinner” indicates the system is working on a task
  • New template selection options available when using ‘Send Quote’ and ‘Send Order’ quick mail merge
  • Ability to configure multiple redirect URLs after a user submits a lead capture form
  • Even more options when customizing the look and feel of screens down to individual fonts and screen elements

Contact us if you have questions or need help with Sage CRM.  760-436-3520 or 866-436-3530 or support@equationtech.us.


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